If you’re anything like me, you’ll be listening to NPR Science Friday every week (although not necessarily on Friday if you listen to it as a podcast like I do). One of the funding sources for the radio program was the NSF; unfortunately, they’ve decided not to continue their support.
The NSF probably have their own valid reasons to stop their funding (like, there’s a lot of pressure to cut the deficit, although I personally think that a public radio program promoting science would still be a very worthwhile cause to fund), but this means that Science Friday is facing financial difficulties. And despite being an NPR program, it only gets 10% of its funding from NPR. Fortunately, the program is in no immediate danger of going off the air, but of course, they could use all the help they can get.

I love the show, so I support it. If you’re interested in science and have never been a listener of NPR Science Friday, then you might want to give it a listen.